I'm terrible at updating this thing...
But At Least People Are Commenting! Hooray for that!
Anyways, before I continue to this update's tracks there are two important points to adress. The first, is that in case you didn't know, this blog has an LJ feed for those who use Live Journal. You can find it here and then you can add this blog to your friends! Hooray for that!
The second point which I would like to adress is something, that if you didn't know, then you have been living under a rock, or do not know me very well. And that's my Friday night internet radio show, KRUD!, in which I play all sorts of interesting music, much like the stuff featured on this blog. I also frequently make a complete fool of myself online as well during the show. And recently there have been mass cereal eating orgies in honor of the times that KRUD is on. KRUD, usually airs on Friday nights at from 7 PM MST (9 PM EST, 8 Central, 6 Pacific) till 10 PM MST (Though I usually go a bit longer). This may change in the summer due to work times, but I will adress it. To tune it when the time is right go to http://krud.no-ip.info:8000/. You will need Winamp or some media player that supports streaming audio. For more info there is the KRUD website which I haven't updated in almost a year.
And now for the tracks...
Because someone told me to upload these a few weeks ago, this weeks theme will be weird mixes by Me! Yes Me! Throughout the last couple of years I have specialized in making strange mixes incorperating samples from all sort of interesting sources. Of course, you have to be aware that my musical expertise still isn't the greatest, but where I lack in the abiltity to cokepltely know if somethign is in key or not I gain in the overall insanity. So here's some classics:
The Most Annoying Song I've Ever Made
GAHBUNGA! (The Animutation Mix)
Hit Me Baby One More Time (One of my favorites)
Sussodio Takes the Double Dutch Bus to Funky Metropolis
Odd and Incomplete
Holiday Sneakin
Send em via e-mail to marko42@gmail.com
I've had a few others send me songs, and I'll proabably be doing that next week.
Actually it's "Kidnap the Sandy Claws" from the movie "Nightmare Before Christmas"
Where's the Sibbie mix? I found it completely by accident on a P2P program while searching for tracks from "Strong Bad Sings and Other Type Hits." It's a really good song, and it would make a worthy addition to a future update.
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